Google AdSense Facts & Statistics: How to get Started
Applying for Google’s AdSense program:

The best reasons for me to opt for AdSense were:
- No software to install, just added the ad code snippet on my WordPress site
- Low learning curve, absolutely free, simple way to earn money by displaying ads next to my online content
- No investment needed- I did not buy or sell or get into affiliate marketing
- Hassle-free transaction; once the threshold of $100 is reached Google makes the payment directly to our bank account
Top Google AdSense Statistics and Google Adsense Facts in 2021-22

Google AdSense program was launched in March 2003 – it was called ‘name content targeting advertising’.
Google AdSense had a referral program in the beginning, now it is still available only to selected publishers
On an average Google processes over 3.5 billion daily searches whoch comes to reoughly around 40,000 search queries per second globally!
One of Google’s early competitor Applied Semantic owned the name AdSense. After Google acquired the company they subsequently rebranded their ad program as Google Adsense.
CTR (Click Through Rates) for Adsense ranges from 0.1% - 30%, but most commonly hovers between 1% - 10%.
Generally speaking, the Adsense ad commission per click ranges between $0.20 - $15
Participation in Google AdSense program is absolutely free.
Apart from websites AdSense is also available for gaming, videos, mobiles and other search products.
For every dollar AdSense publishers earn 68 cents of the revenue while Google retains 32 cents as its cut. Adsense for AdSense for search pays 51 cents for a dollar.
Google has a share of 37+% of total U.S. digital ad spending alone among digital advertising platforms
Average CTR (Click-Through Rate) for ads displayed on the GDN (Google Display Network) is 0.40%
In 2018, 0.73 million publishers were removed from AdSense for policy violations and quality issues
AdSense can pay publishers in their choice of 51 currencies
Every year, Google pays over $10 billion to its publishers
Google Ads platform enables advertisers to display advertisement, product and service listings across ad networks to all web users.
In 2020, Google's ad revenue amounted to 146.92 billion US dollars.
In June 2021, Google has 87.76% market share of the Global Search market. Bing has 5.56 % while Yahoo has 2.71%
16% to 20% of queries that get asked every day have never been asked before.
Besides the Search engine, Google also own the most popular browser Chrome, Gmail, and Google Maps
Google receives over 3.5 billion searches per day worldwide.
AdSense exceeds 2 million+ publishers as its customers.
More than 90% of web pages receive zero organic traffic from Google. Just about 5% receive 10 visits or less each month.
Digital ads spending globally is expected to reach $389 billion by 2021
The conversion rate for display is 0.77% and search is at 3.75%
Google has approximately 36% share of total digital US ad spending.
Google initially started as a Ph.D. project at Stanford University, and slowly became the de-facto search engine globally.
AdSense is a free, relatively simple way to earn money by displaying contextual ads next to online content
Google’s revenues for the year 2020 was approximately $182 billion
89% of URLs and 37% of URLs in positions 1-20 rank differently on mobile and desktop.
Every 15-30 mins the AdSense reporting on impressions, clicks gets updated.
AdSense Earning is calculated as a combination of Impression-count x CTR x CPC x smart-pricing-factor
Google Ads determines which ads should show with a lightning-fast ad auction, which takes place every time someone searches on Google or visits a site that shows ads
46% of product searches begin on Google
Average CPC (Cost Per Click) on the Display Network is 63 cents. So, on an average publishers earn 43 cents/click
The GDN (Google Display Network)- which includes AdSense and other Google assets, serves 6+ billion impressions a day
Google AdSense serves ads in 46 languages
AdSense shows ads from 450 categories, including 16 that are deemed sensitive or restricted
Google has around 90% Share of global desktop search traffic.
China, Russia, and Japan are some of the few countries where local products are more preferred over Google.
Most of Google's revenue of $182 billion in 2020 came from advertising (mostly Search advertising).
In July 2020, there are 38,386,786+ live websites using Google AdSense
40% of USA’s search queries online contained 2 keywords. Search queries up to 3 words accounted for more than 80% of all online searches.
A single Google query uses approximately 1,000 computers in 0.2 seconds to retrieve an answer.
Google parent company Alphabet's market capitalization as of June 2020 was $978 billion.
Google acquired AdMob in 2009 which serves as a platform for mobile app makers to sell ad space within their apps and runs on both iOS and Android.
As of October 2019, Facebook was the most searched keyword on Google!
Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) constitutes the amount an advertiser pays for their ad appears a thousand times.
At least 92.18% of Internet users globally sees Google Ads.
63% of Google’s US organic search traffic originated from mobile devices
By 2020, Mobile Ad spends was forecasted to reach $247.4 billion
1. How to Sign in to Google AdSense?

2. How to Apply for Google AdSense?

Google AdSense Facts – Earn Money From Website Monetization
Earn money with website monetization from Google AdSense. We’ll optimize your ad sizes to give them more chance to be seen and clicked.
50 Google AdSense Facts & Statistics You Need to Know!
Getting Started with Google AdSense: My first blog post was published on October 6, 2020, as I
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